Executive Coaching

We offer executive coaching for CXOs and middle-level professionals with high growth potential who need confidential counselling. We know what it takes to navigate the maze of corporate life, the bouts of self-doubt, the undercurrent of politics – all of which can be wearing and debilitating, and even demoralizing. With Partners who have been at the top and very importantly, understand the human dimension of executive life, you can take greater control over your career and attain effectiveness as a professional.

Confidential counselling from middle to senior level executives to help them deal with operational and tactical challenges in career development.

This includes

  • Enhancing leadership image
  • Dealing with ambiguity
  • Dealing with conflict

Written Business Communication

Often you only have ONE chance to make an impact, through an email or a proposal or a project status report. Yet, studies show repeatedly that managers despair about the writing skills of key individuals responsible for revenue generation. They often lack clarity and effectiveness and may even be contradictory, poorly crafted and subject to misinterpretation. Our structured writing workshops transform your key staff at every level and give them the tools needed to make a strong professional impact in everything they do. Watch your productivity take off!

1. Training in day to day business writing

This is structured in three layers

  • The basics of business writing for the entry level employee.
  • For the mid-level employee
  • For the senior employee
2. Technical Writing
3. Business Proposal Writing

Soft Skills

A group of skills such as communication, inter-personal, listening, negotiation, etiquette, language skills etc. make up for what is quite popularly known as ‘Soft-Skills’. These are personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions and work performance. It has been lately acknowledged that soft skills are more important than traditional hard skills regardless of job categories or industry type. Most likely to succeed are those who are equipped with these skills.

Focal Concepts offers a comprehensive soft-skills training programme tailored to your requirements. With structured workshops and expertise in this area, Soft-Skill enhancement is bound to be a definite asset for your organization.

We cover specific areas like:

  • Business Etiquette
  • Interpersonal Skills