DIALOGUE: Third Party Facilitation

Focal Concepts’ DIALOGUE program is a professional and passionate way to catalyze certain apparently intractable issues usually involving large groups of stakeholders. Well designed workshops, engaging participants in a positive dialogue, working hard to acknowledge the views of everyone – the facilitator establishes competence and trust and gently nudges the group towards a solution that is acceptable to all. It could be a customer-supplier issue, or an internal matter; NEUTRAL will restart a stalled process.

CONSULT: Consulting Competency Development

Our CONSULT program creates consultants. Many organizations wish to transition from specific expertise to having high-quality business-oriented conversations with clients to consolidate the value chain. Our Consulting Skills program, CONSULT, can take your chosen set through a pre-workshop review, an intense workshop and then a post-workshop follow-through exercise.

QUANTUM: Business Research Service

Our Research expertise helps you correlate events and data and make sensible projections of possible trends. Go beyond simple graphs and obvious conclusions. Let us help you win. Take a QUANTUM leap.

IMPACT: Content Development

White Papers, research content and more – don’t spin wheels on such matters when there are experts available with years of experience in high-quality writing that has IMPACT.

Focal Concepts’ Content Development team develops specialized content  and provides editing services for a small select group of clients who have a deep appreciation of the power of the written word. We prefer working strategically instead of doing one-off projects.

Let’s take you through a couple of cases.

A: For a healthcare company in Mumbai, we wrote a series of whitepapers that made a strong case for integrating insurance and a mobile app. This required deep research into the subject area and plenty of interviews with the subject matter experts. The matter was original.

B: For a legal firm in Hyderabad, we developed material to market their Intellectual Property practice. This needed restructuring, editing and considerable fresh content.

Please reach out to us for a free consultation to discuss  where we can maximize the impact of your activities through top-notch written communication.